Attendance Policy

We hope that you, and your family are safe during these uncertain times. Despite these uncertain times, we are optimistic and confident that we will be able to offer a High-Quality Educational Experience for your child during remote learning. 

Our MLG Attendance Team is writing to bring our communities attention to the need of ensuring that we have strong and consistent attendance of our students during remote learning and beyond.

Our attendance goal for in-person and remote learning at Marie L. Greenwood is 96%. We will take attendance this school year to ensure that we are meeting the required instructional minutes for our students. 

Studies show that when students are actively engaged in school consistently, their academic performance is significantly better.  We also know that when students miss school or do not engage in virtual learning, the entire class is impacted because the teachers need to reteach concepts. It will take a community effort to ensure that we engage in the following to continue our pursuit as a school to perform at a high level even during remote learning:

We thank you in advance for helping Marie L. Greenwood be a place of high quality learning even during remote learning.  

Marie L. Greenwood Attendance Team