Attendance Policy

Our attendance target at Marie L. Greenwood is 93%. This means students miss no more than 1 day per month throughout the year or 10 total throughout the year. We will be communicating consistently regarding attendance in order to support you in reaching this target. 

Communication: If your child is not able to attend school, communicate this by calling the attendance line 720-424-6701. If we do not have a call from you and your student is absent, you will receive a phone call by 9:30 a.m. 

Excused vs. unexcused absences: There is no difference between how an absence accumulates so even if you have a doctor’s note to excuse an absence, that still counts towards the total number of absences. 

Tardies and Early Pick-Up: All time away from school counts towards an absence. If your child is tardy or leaves early, the number of minutes missed count towards an absence. Please ensure your child is here on time and stays the full day. 

Appointments: Students have at least one non-student contact day each month. Please use our calendar to determine this day and schedule any appointments on this day as much as possible. 

Attendance Celebrations: We want to make coming to school fun and rewarding! In addition to supporting students with being on grade level, students who are here every day in a month with no more than 1 total absence will get to attend a celebration at the end of the month. Classes also work on attendance together and after earning 5 or 7 days of 100% attendance as a class, get to choose an incentive such as extra recess or a free dress day. You will also see certificates to celebrate student attendance and some surprise rewards for parents as well throughout the year. 

Need support?: If you ever need support with helping to get your child to school, please call the office at 720-424-6630 and we can connect you to resources. You and your students are the most essential part of Marie L. Greenwood and we want to make sure they are here every day! 

We thank you in advance for helping Marie L. Greenwood be a place of high quality learning.

Marie L. Greenwood Attendance Team